Getting to Know Maxamoo, Getting to Know All About Maxamoo’s Theater & Performance Podcast

Maxamoo Folio Group

Getting to Know Maxamoo, Getting to Know All About Maxamoo’s Theater & Performance Podcast

The Maxamoo Theater & Performance Podcast is the premier podcast covering the diverse world of theater and performance beyond Broadway. Weekly an alternating cast of contributors host interviews and roundtable discussions on the latest Off Broadway, indie theater, comedy, performance art, and multi-disciplinary theater in New York City.

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There are four types of Maxamoo episodes: Previews, Reviews, Interviews, and Specialty. If you’re new to Maxamoo, here we offer a few of our favorite episodes to get you started.


Previews are the first episode of every month. The co-hosts on these episodes are evitably filled with optimism and enthusiasm for the theater yet-to-be. The happiness and eagerness overflowth on previews and as a result these are some of our most popular episodes.

The best possible introduction to Maxamoo’s Theater & Performance Podcast is the latest preview episode, available on, iTunes, or Stitcher. Then you’ll be up-to-date with what we consider to be the hottest forthcoming productions in town.   


Reviews feature a panel of co-hosts discussing the shows they’ve seen over the past few weeks. The mood varies greatly on these episodes. If we saw a show we loved we’re jubilant. If we saw a show we hated we’re forlorn and sometimes even angry. We usually discuss five or more shows on these episodes so the mood can alternate, often several times.

For classic examples of the in-depth and passionate discussions we have about theater check out these two episodes where we left the theater and went straight to the “podcast studio” to discuss what we’d seen, Lindsay and Nicole are very enthusiastic about Appropriate by Branden Jacobs-Jenkins at Signature Theater and you can hear one of our epic diatribes on poor audience behavior, and Lindsay and David dive deep on The Invisible Hand by Ayad Akhtar at New York Theatre Workshop.

To truly appreciate Maxamoo you must know it is recorded in a New York City apartment and sometimes things going wrong, as they did on this episode with Lindsay, Nicole, and Isaac discussing The Library at The Public Theater, the stage directing debut of Steven Soderbergh.  

For a taste of what happens when the Maxamoo co-hosts collectively lose their shit because they truly, madly, deeply love something check out The Hyperbole Episode about a little show called YOUARENOWHERE at the 2015 Coil Festival.


Interviews of playwrights, performers, and other indie theater glitterati were rare in our early days but now happen about once a month. We love diving deep into what makes these geniuses tick and how they developed into artists.

Check out Fernanda Coppel, the playwright behind King Liz; Lauren Worsham, an actress and the lead singer in SkyPony, a rock band; Keith Josef Adkins, a playwright, performer, and the founder of The New Black Fest, and Andrew Schneider, the artist behind the aforementioned YOUARENOWHERE.


Specialty episodes focus on a single type of performance, comedy, storytelling, one-person shows, and (occasionally) Broadway theater and we bring in an expert to educate us about these performers and their subculture.

Our most regular specialty episodes are reports on New York’s comedy scene with Elise Czajkowski, a comedy journalist who compiles the comedy listings for the New York Times, in this episode we discuss a surprise drop-in by Aziz Ansari at Littlefield in Brooklyn.

On this storytelling episode, New York-based comedian and storyteller David Lawson takes co-hosts David and Liz on a tour of the city’s vast storytelling scene.

One-person shows take many forms and on this episode, Peter Michael Marino, a writer, director, performer, and the producer of SOLOCOM, educates us on the unique challenges and opportunities solo shows present.

The conversation starts with the podcast and continues on Twitter. All of our contributors are there. Follow them, it’s half the fun: Lindsay, Nicole, David, Jack, Liz, Aurin, and Dave.