Take Me Back – Location, Tickets, Reviews

Take Me Back by Emily Schwend

Take Me Back – Location, Tickets, Reviews

We were so angry when we left this play. The frustrating characters and their poor decision-making drove us crazy. Now with a couple of days’ distance from the performance, we realize, wow, that was some effective playmaking.

Take Me Back is the New York City premiere of playwright Emily Schwend. It is the story of a young man, Bill, recently released from federal prison, living with his mom in Muskogee, Oklahoma, and trying to get his life back on track. Of course, getting “on track” after a stint in prison often requires a few detours. But this isn’t a play about one man’s journey, it’s actually a play about two people–a mother and son–and their flawed but honest efforts to find happiness. Each can see the errors in the other’s actions but no amount of warning or admonishment can prevent their respective spirals of demise. Gah! So much like real life.

We’d like this play to move at a brisker pace, lose the accents, and put actor Jay Eisenberg to better use but we appreciate the overall effectiveness of the storytelling. It’s days later and we’re still stewing. 

Public Opinion

Have you seen Take Me Back? What did you think? Comment below or tweet to us at @Maxamoo.

Critics’ Reviews

New York Times
After Prison. Finding Bumps on the Road to Normalcy

Schwend’s play is filled with pathos. There are a few surprising twists. The ensemble brings it all together under the competent direction of Jay Stull.

Theatre is Easy
A solid New York premiere by a gifted up-and-coming playwright, employing a strong ensemble of actors that examines the sometimes bleak landscape of the American Dream with doses of humor and pathos along the way.

Theater Pizzazz
Take Me Back is a jewel of a production.


$18 (click to purchase tickets from SmartTix, the official online ticket seller for Take Me Back)


Performances through March 22, 2014


46 Walker Street, New York City
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1 hour and 45 minutes, no intermission

(partial list)

Written by Emily Schwend

Directed by Jay Stull

Featuring Charlotte Booker, Jay Eisenberg, James Kautz, and Boo Killebrew


Facebook – Take Me Back